Don’t Look Up

Self-belief vs self-doubt.

The desire to continue vs the urge to give up.

That’s the daily struggle after you decide to chase greatness. 

Waking up everyday and going to work was so simple. I damn near miss it. Not having to overthink my daily tasks. Not having to make a million decisions everyday. Not wondering what my life would become. It was simple. Now, everyday, I wonder if I’m making the right choice by deciding to chase my dream. It feels so far away. There’s no way to measure the distance between here and the finish line. People around me believe in me but it’s easy for them to believe because they don’t see the vision that I have for myself. Nobody realizes how high up I want to go but me. Everybody is applauding my progress because I made it farther than THEY thought I could. They think I’m winning the race and I’m not even at the start line yet. Not for my vision.

Imagine running a marathon for the first time. 26 miles. You hear the number and maybe you can even imagine it but running it for the first itme is diffrent. You start and everything is going great. People don’t expect much of you because it’s your first time so they’ll cheer for you no matter how far you go. You just keep your head down and run. You don’t think about how far you’ve ran, how far you have to go or how much time has passed. You start getting tired and to tun your headphones up to distract yourself from the fatigue. You think about your favorite movie to distract yourself from the pain in your legs. You try to think about anything you can to keep yourself from checking your distance…until you can’t. You run out of things to think about. No more distractions, just pain and fatigue. Then you look up. And you realize you’ve made it nowhere. Majority to the race is still ahead of you. That’s when the self-doubt creeps in. The people are still cheering. But no one has to run that race but you. And you don’t know if you can.

My advice to anybody chasing a dream:

Keeping yourself with planning, doing and celebrating. Keep your head down and work until you cross that finish line. But whatever you do, don’t look up.


Happiness is a Decision Not a Destination


“You’ve been searching for the key for years, But the door was never locked.”